Renewed & Empowered
- coaching package program -
Program Duration: 11 Weeks
Session Structure: Each session will last approximately 60 minutes and will include prayer, scripture reading, discussion, and practical exercises.
Week 1:
Part 1- Meet & Greet (Program Orientation)
Part 2- How Can I Practice Obedience?
Week 2:
Part 1- How Can I Develop Persistence?
Part 2- What Does & Does Not Require Forgiveness?
Week 3:
Part 1- What Steps Can I Take to Break Negative Habits?
Part 2- What is the Essential Vocation of Burden Bearing?
Week 4:
Part 1- How Can I Expose the Idols in My Life?
Part 2- How Can Adjusting Cues Change My Behavior?
Week 5:
Part 1- How Can I Find My Place to Serve?
Part 2- How Can I Uncover Inadvertent Sins?
Week 6:
Part 1- How Can I Practice Solitude?
Part 2- How Do I Build Connection Between Generations?
Week 7:
Part 1- How Should I Handle Pressure?
Part 2- How Can I Take Godly Criticism?
Week 8:
Part 1- What Simple Questions Should I Ask?
Part 2- How Can I Practice Hospitality?
Week 9:
Part 1- How Can I Develop Humility?
Part 2- How Can My Grace Create Integrity?
Week 10:
Part 1- How Can I Develop Self-Control?
Part 2- How Can I Participate in God’s Work?
Week 11:
Part 1- How Do I Praise God’s Attributes?
Part 2- Program Progress & Growth Review